Hebrews 1:1-4
Imagine the angels in heaven as the wonderful plan of God began to dawn upon them, there at the empty tomb: the Commander of the Armies of the Lord, the Prince of Peace, had come down to earth as a human child, that noble soul that had created all things, that upheld all things by His word, that showed them what it meant to be God, was risen and for His proven faithfulness (faithfulness that the angels had seen displayed since the beginning, but that now had been proved to all creation) had received that blessed Name, the Name above all others, that He might receive as His inheritance (and not as some second-hand servant, but as a rightful heir and as the Child of promise) all of creation, which He made. Imagine creation as the holy wisdom of God was made manifest once again, and this time in radiance reborn, the radiance of the Father walking the earth yet again.
This was a thing new in creation. The Father had given to the fathers the prophets, men that saw the will of God and spoke it and lived it--but not the whole will, and not perfectly, for the prophets were simply good men. But the Christ, this man Jesus, conceived by the Holy Spirit and begotten of the Father, this Servant was more than simply a good man: He was the inkstamp-duplicate of the Father and the perfect representative of the Father's will, come to stamp men with the likeness of Holy God. This was the Son.
And just as through Jesus God made the world, through Jesus He purified it and gave it the gift of righteousness. Jesus Christ is the catalyst for this world: He sparked the big bang that was creation, and He is able to spark the same earth-shaking, world-making power of creation and recreation in my own life.
It's no wonder we're to worship Him, and to serve Him, and to work His will in our lives. That He should care is perhaps the greatest miracle of them all.
This was a thing new in creation. The Father had given to the fathers the prophets, men that saw the will of God and spoke it and lived it--but not the whole will, and not perfectly, for the prophets were simply good men. But the Christ, this man Jesus, conceived by the Holy Spirit and begotten of the Father, this Servant was more than simply a good man: He was the inkstamp-duplicate of the Father and the perfect representative of the Father's will, come to stamp men with the likeness of Holy God. This was the Son.
And just as through Jesus God made the world, through Jesus He purified it and gave it the gift of righteousness. Jesus Christ is the catalyst for this world: He sparked the big bang that was creation, and He is able to spark the same earth-shaking, world-making power of creation and recreation in my own life.
It's no wonder we're to worship Him, and to serve Him, and to work His will in our lives. That He should care is perhaps the greatest miracle of them all.