Monday, August 27, 2007

Hebrews 8:6-13

Remember the 8-track tape?
These monsters were going the way of the CD while I was young. They've long since been replaced by cassette tapes, which were ousted by CDs, which now seem to be giving way to iMusic.
Ah, progress. Smells like a brand new car.

But seriously, music fans. Why did the 8-track have to go?
If you've ever listened to an old 8-track, you know the answer to this question. If you've ever seen an old 8-track, you probably have a pretty good idea. They were huge, sounded so-so, and did not age well. Listening to an old 8-track tape is a lot like listening to an electric chainsaw band.
As opposed to digital music, which is uber-transferrable (much to the music companies' chagrin), high-fidelity (unless you're seriously into vinyl), and practically free to produce. We get a song over the internet from the comfort of our couch without having to browse those silly music stands at the store. We store the song on our hard drives, dump it onto a flash drive, or put it on our MP3 players. The song doesn't get old or grainy, it doesn't skip beats, and the MP3 player never eats our tapes...
In short, digital music is way, like, totally better. Who'd want to go back to 8-tracks? I mean, honestly!

That's the new covenant. The first covenant was broke. It didn't work. It showed people that they were bad, sure, but it didn't make them perfect. People tried to follow the old law, but they couldn't.
So enter Jesus, the Son of God, to initiate a new covenant, a new promise. And the new promise (which had been promised to the prophets, by the way) was better than the old one.

This is one of my favorite verses. "No longer will a man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying: 'Know the Lord!', for they will all know Me, from the least to the greatest of them," says the Lord. Isn't that awesome?


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