Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hebrews 7:23-28

Because we believe in Jesus, we can see that He is better than the priests of the old law: Jesus is eternal, and Jesus is perfect. He will always be there to go to God for us, and He his intercessions will never be tainted by His own sins, because He is without sin.
What arguments do you make about priests? What kinds of things do we say about preachers and pastors today? We see them shouting at a waiter in a restaurant and we say to each other, "Uh-huh. Look at Pastor So-and-so. He's hellfire and brimstone, all right..." Or we see them going into an R-rated movie theatre and we say, "Look at Preacher So-and-so! He likes the same kinds of movies we like! What makes him so tight with God?"
I'm not saying all waiters are saintly or all R-rated movies are bad, but you know the kind of situation I'm referring to because you've seen them yourself. We see our preachers and our spiritual leaders doing bad things and we say to ourselves, "What makes him so much more spiritual than me?"
That's not Jesus. In order to find something bad to say about Jesus, the priests had to make something up -- and they couldn't even do that right! They had a crowd full of witnesses and no one could agree on a single bad thing to say about the Son of Man. Now that's impressive!

I get disillusioned sometimes. Does it ever happen to you? I feel like the world should be one way, like people should be one way, and when it really isn't and they really aren't, sometimes I get disappointed. And what's the worst is when it's someone you look up to and truly respect.

Jesus is not going to let you or me down, brothers and sisters. Jesus is going to be there for us, and He's never going to not be there for us. He's never going to fall down. No one is ever going to take Him down a notch. He will never fail nor disappoint.
That's what it means when it says Jesus is eternal, and Jesus is perfect.

He's our king. And He's the One that pleads our case with God when we sin against Him.
We can take comfort in that.


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