Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hebrews 2:5-9

We live in a world that is not subjected to Christ. If it were, how could our worldly natures be inclined to sin? Why would it be so difficult to do the good and to shun the evil?
No--this world is a place of independance from God, and it cannot subject itself to God by its nature. This is why the new world is so important, a world described to the Israelites as the kind of place where the lion and the lamb can be friends. Paul said that this world is groaning in anticipation for the glory to be revealed in it. The writer of Hebrews says the world to come has been subjected to Christ, and that God has put everything in it under Him and in His authority.
Consider, though, a world subjected to Christ: a world in which our natures led us to worship Christ and to serve Him. This would be a world in which we would no longer cry out, "Wretched man that I am--who will save me from this body of death?" This would be a world that honored the birth of Christ every day instead of one day a year, and that remembered the death of Christ every day instead of one season a year...
Is this not what we want as Christians? Can we not join with St. Peter: "Lord, come quickly!" This life has its joys, but that life will be joy. Shall we not anticipate and yearn for the revelation of Christ's glory, the subjugation of this world, the final atonement for sins and the death toll for sin in this world? Christ has saved us and when His perfect goodness and righteousness is fully revealed in us, we shall no longer have anything before God of which to be ashamed.
And I long for that day! A day when shortcomings, famines, shortages, insufficiencies, needs, wants, are remembered no more--a day when every desire is fulfilled in Him that fills all in all--it is for that day we wait, and the world with us, in our best and most humble service to our beloved Lord. And even to us, our best seems but meager scraps next to the unsurpassed glory of the Christ; and yet, we serve Him because that is His will.
The will of perfect, holy God is that I, depraved man that I am, should do good works in His name and for His glory. I fall to my knees and cry, like Peter, "Get away from me, Lord! for I am a sinful man;" and yet, still He calls to me.
It's good that God does His will and not ours, isn't it? Aren't unanswered prayers just a blessing?
But there it is. God sent the agent of Creation down to earth, a little lower than the angels, as this man Jesus. And the man Jesus did everything that was spoken of by the prophets: He fulfilled the law of God and the prophets, and then He fulfilled the will of God by dying on a cross for the men that hung Him there and for you and for me and for everyone else that lived once in rebellion to God.
And now the Christ, now Jesus, reigns crowned with glory and with honor over the world that will come, an anointed King waiting only for His kingdom to be presented to Him by His Father.

Praise Him forever!

He's the One we serve, the One that saved us, the One that spurned equality with God, instead seeking to please God, the One that gave His life for us. He's the One we praise and worship and adore.
He's the One we live for, or the One we strive to live for.
It's by Him we're blessed of the Father, and through Him we're saved.

Praise Him.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Off Topic

How often are we reminded of how short life truly is?
When we're busy, we so often forget... I put my family off, my wife, my life. I put God off until tomorrow because I'm working today.
Work is important... it's important to work, but at what point does work begin to take over my life in an unhealthy way? I'm not doing what I love, but I try to do my duty, to fulfill my obligation faithfully, to give of my best to my employer.
I feel like a slave to money, but it's my duty and I'm bound to it.
If today were the last day I had, would God know how much He meant to me? Would my wife Debra? Would my friends?
Do I know how much they mean to me, or do I take them for granted? Sometimes I feel like I'm sleeping through life, like my duty and my work has so numbed me to life that I've lost all sense of feeling, of wonder, of being alive. But it's what I'm supposed to be doing.
Responsibility can be a crushing, heartless thing if you follow it without sensitivity to others. It's to others that I am responsible, but if I discharge my duty without thinking or caring for those others, am I fulfilling my responsibility at all?
But how can I fulfill my duty and find the time to show the people I love, the people that are the reason I'm working, that I love them as well?
I'm not wise enough to know the answer to that... I've got to work! but, I ... have people I love, and I have things I want to do in my life, and I want to serve God, and sometimes I feel like I can't do any of that because work dominates everything else.
I hate that feeling, and I hate wishing that I had more time for the people I love. I hate wishing I had more time to spend with God.
It feels like I'm discharging a lesser duty and failing in the ones that count, but I can't get out of the job... We need the money, so what can I do?
I'm trapped.

Dear Father, I'm sorry for the many times I've failed to give You the time and the glory and the honor in my life. You deserve it; You deserve it always, but I feel like work is eating me up and I don't feel like I have anything left to give. Give me the love to show my love to the people I care about, the people You've given me to care about, and give me the strength to make time for them, even when I'm exhausted and don't feel like I have any time left. Give me the wisdom to know what's important in my life and the discernment to recognize the good thing to do and the good time to do it.
I'm so weak and so clumsy and so tired, Lord--I'm so tired!--and I need You so badly. Help me, my precious Lord! I love You and I want to serve You! Save me in my distress!

I lift up my eyes to the hills-
From where does my help come?
My help comes from Jehovah,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip;
He Who watches you will not slumber.
Indeed, He Who watches over Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.
Jehovah watches over you--
Jehovah is your shade at your right hand;
The sun will not harm you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
Jehovah will keep you from all harm--
He will watch over your life;
Jehovah will watch over your coming and going
Both now and forevermore.
Psalm 121
